Coeur d' Alene Lake

I don't know how this happens so quickly, but I'm already a little behind on blogging and still trying to play catch up on our adventures from this summer.  Here's the last of my summer adventure posts.  After we went to Canada, Jensen and I went down to Coeur d'Alene Idaho to visit my dad.  Trips to CDA always mean lots of boating and spending time at the lake.  Unforturnately for me this year there was no wakeboarding, but I still enjoyed the boat rides.
 The day we went out was actually a little chilly.  The sun kept going in and out of the clouds, and whenever it did I would bundle up in towels.  It was windy so the water was choppy too, so Jensen didn't even get any wakeboarding in.  They did have a hydroplaning competition that we were able to watch a little of from the boat.
baby ducks! 

 until next time Couer d'Alene!


  1. I love Lake CDA! I grew up 20 minutes from the lake, and several others for that matter. It was great to see a post from home!

    Lovin' Lee Life
