Kitty bath

Jensen and I are probably the coolest married people ever. For FHE tonight we decided to give Pigeon a bath. She was not a fan. Since we don't have a real baby you all get to see pictures of Pigeon's bath :)

Waffle Night

Saturday night was waffle night at our house. With chocolate chips. Yum!


Suz got me this cute strand of elephants for Christmas! I love them so I thought I would share. Jensen things they're weird and creepy but I don't care. He said they remind him of the mean elephants from Dumbo. They are currently hanging form the ceiling in my craft room.

I love the mountains

This is the view from my craft room window. I kind of love where I live.

DIY Polka Dot Bag

I've seen a lot of neon pink and gold together lately and I love it. A few weeks ago I saw this bag on pinterest and I knew I wanted to make a similar one for myself. It was really simple to make! And I plan on making at least one more in navy and gold, another great color combination.
Materials needed:
- paint color of choice- I got neon pink, gold, and navy blue
- canvas bag
- paint brush
- fabric pencil

Matt Costa!

Suz and I went to see Matt Costa Saturday night. I was really excited, but it wasn't quite as good as I was hoping. They held the concert in the BYU ballroom so it was hard to see anything because the stage is tiny, not raised very hight, and the floor is flat. So unless you were really close to the front you couldn't see much. Even without being able to see the music was still good.

Here's my very favorite Matt Costa song!
We also got to witness this! This couple standing in front of us were super into each other and holding each other during the concert. During one of the songs he bends down on one knee and the girl looks ecstatic! He looks up at her, looks back down and proceeds to tie his shoe. The concert continues, the girl is pretty irritated and they are no longer holding each other. He then bends down again for the second fake proposal of the night. The girl was not amused.


It snowed! Pigeon was not a fan like Jensen and I are. When we opened the door for her to come out she ran out meowing her head off because she was so excited, but she stayed on the porch and under the bushes where there is no snow. Jensen picked her up and brought her out to the yard in the snow. As soon as he put her down she bolted back inside.
After church today we took some pictures in the snow then I made home made biscuits and sausage gravy for dinner. Yum!
Jensen and I learned an important lesson at church today. If we miss the announcements the week before, we need to ask someone what they were. We were a few minutes late last week so we missed the announcements. Today we showed up to church a few minutes before 11and thought it was a little weird no one else was walking in when we did. When we went inside we could already hear a talk that was going on across the speakers. Apparently today was stake conference and it started at 10. Oops. Over the summer a similar thing happened. Jensen and I were out of town for two Sundays in a row on a trip to California and then to Moab. The Sunday we got back we walked down to church (our ward met at 1pm at that time). When we got there the parking lot was completely empty, and I just thought maybe everyone had walked that week because the weather was so nice. Turns out stake conference was that week and we missed the whole thing. Hopefully we'll make in to the entire stake conference next time.


I haven't been sewing that much lately pretty much just out of laziness. I usually decide between cleaning/making dinner and doing sewing projects after work because I'm usually too tired to do both. Today I finally got around to making a little something again (and I even made dinner!). Here's the bag I made. Also I'm getting a lot better at making these. They don't take nearly as long to make as they used to and I don't make as many mistakes. I love the one I made tonight. It's shiny and has cute stripes inside! It will be up in my etsy shop soon.

Photo Shoot

Suzanne and I had a little photo shoot together the other day. We felt pretty silly but it was a lot of fun. Here's a few pics we took.

Date Night

Jensen and I went on a date Thursday to Olive Garden. Yum! We had what I am pretty sure was an 80 year old waitress. She made our meal a little more interesting than a normal trip would be. Also I should be a detective... I can take pictures of 80 year old women without them noticing :).


When my family moved back to North Carolina on one of the first days of 5th grade while in the lunch line the lunch lady asked me, "Want some greens?". I, not know what "greens" were, responded, "Green what?" While I was thinking green beans? lima beans? salad? The lunch lady then responded "Greens." Apparently I still looked confused because she then held up a spoonful of some sort of wilted, brownish green leaves and said, "Vegetables!." I have to say I passed on trying greens that day.

A few days ago Suzanne had a dinner of southern-style chicken-pot-pie (known as chicken and dumplings to you non-southern folk) and collard greens. It sure was yummy!


It finally SNOWED!!!! I wish it had come two weeks ago right before Christmas or last week before snowboarding, but it did not. But it's here! Every fall I decide that fall is my favorite season, but when it snow's and everything is covered in a blanket of white I always change my mind.

Now I'm going to watch the Bachelor while Jensen plays video games. He told me I can't watch Desperate housewives, so I figured this would be better right? :)

Icy Hike

All the boys jumped over a little stream to climb up the giant ice blob formed by the frozen waterfall. I was going to go up, but I was too nervous that I would slip and fall into the cold water.
Oakley, me and a monkey?

While everyone was here we went on a little walk/hike up Provo canyon. It was so nice outside! Even with the warm weather there was still some frozen waterfalls and ice across the path. The ice was really neat. It was like 4 inches think of perfectly smooth ice. Unfortunately you couldn't tell how neat it was by a picture.

Snowboarding Again!

Jensen's family came into town for a little post-Christmas visit this week. Well, most of is family came.... I wish everyone could have been here! Yesterday we went up to Snowbird to go skiing. The snow was not so good, but we still had a lot of fun. The only plus side to the bad snow was that it was so warm. It was warm enough that we ate our lunch outside!

Don't these pictures look so good? Jensen got me a new camera lens for Christmas and I love it!!