Conference Weekend

At the beginning of April Jensen's parents come down for a short visit that happened to be over conference weekend.  They got here Wednesday evening and left Saturday morning.  It was nice to have them come, but I do wish they could have stayed a little longer.  Jensen's mom is from Logan, and most of her siblings still live around there so on Friday afternoon we drove up to Logan and had a big family dinner.  I felt a little like Jensen and I were crashing a sibling party because there were a ton of Clarice's siblings and spouses there, and Jensen and I.  It was so nice to see everyone. Even though we don't live very far from Logan I don't see his aunts and uncles very often and I love his family.   
Jensen and I stayed the night at Aunt Loye's house with his parents and left Saturday morning.  We drove around Logan and went to the house Jensen's mom grew up in and to his uncle's dairy.  The baby cows were so cute!  We also stopped by Gossner's dairy and stocked up on chocolate milk.  After visiting Logan we headed down to Brigham City and walked around the new temple grounds and tabernacle.  We made on last stop at Aunt Helen's in Willard to have lunch and to hear Cami and Zane announce the sex of their baby. (A boy!)
Sometimes I get a little sad because Jensen and I are far from most of our family, but it's nice to know so many aunts, uncles, and cousins are just a two hour drive away.


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